
Meadow Bank Community School is part of Northern Star Academies Trust which is overseen by a Board of Trustees to ensure it is operating in accordance with its goals and legal obligations. Each academy within Northern Star has a local governing body which supports the Board of Trustees to lead the academy.

Our governors volunteer their time, skills and expertise to help make sure our school is working at its best for our students.  Some of the functions of our local governing body are:

  • helping the senior leadership team to set high standards and plan for the school´s future;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the school’s provision;
  • the management of risks;
  • acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher and senior leadership team, offering strategic support and advice;
  • helping the school respond to the needs of parents and the community;
  • helping make the school be open and accountable to the public for what it does;
  • working with the school on planning and developing policies and keeping the school provision under review; and
  • exercising the responsibilities and powers delegated to it by the Trustees in partnership with the Headteacher and staff.

Further information about the role and responsibilities of our local governing body can be found in the scheme of delegation:

NSAT Scheme of Delegation

For further information about governance arrangements in Northern Star Academies Trust visit the link below:

NSAT Governance

Our current governors


Appointed as

Tracy Isherwood (Chair and safeguarding link governor)

Co-opted governor

Richard Edwards

Co-opted governor

Gill Blamires

Parent governor

Chantel Horsbrough

Ex-officio (Head of School)

If you would like to find out more about becoming a governor at Meadow Bank Community School, please contact: 

Governor Attendance and Declarations of Interest


Any current business interests

Terms of office

Attendance at LGB meetings 22/23

Tracey Isherwood

Director and Trustee of B.O.C.S

Secretary of Wibsey Events Groups

Treasurer of Shoulder to Shoulder

Lapage Primary School – Vice Chair – appointed 20/09/2022

Lilycroft & St Ed NS Federation – Governor – appointed 01/01/23

St Pauls Primary – Governor – appointed 01/01/23

Whetley Primary – Governor – appointed 01/01/23

Homefarm Primary – Governor – appointed 01/01/23



Richard Edwards

Employee, Victoria Theatre, Halifax

Director, Black Dyke Mills Music Venue

Trustee, Lightcliffe Cricket Club

Trustee, Thornton Almshouse Trust

30.11.23- 29.11.27


Gill Blamires

Employee, CBMDC

30.11.23 – 29.11.27


Chantel Horsborough

Parent governor, Featherbank Primary School

01.09.23 – (no end date)


Richard Ballantine (left)

Former executive headteacher, Fearnville Primary School and Lapage Primary School

01.09.22 – 31.08.23


Chris Mason (Left)

Employee, Mosaic Church Ltd

Employee, Catalyst Network of Churches

Director, Chris Mason (sole trader)

Chair of Trustees, Bradford Bulls Foundation

01.11.2018 – 31.10.23


Alan Jarvis (left)

Trustee of Bridge Community Church

Retired member of CIPFA

Board Member, Bradford Academy

Governor, St Matthews CofE Primary School

01.11.2018 – 31.10.2023


Lynsay Hawkshaw (left)


18.10.2021 – 17.10.24


For details of any governors who have left within the last 12 months visit: - governance